How To Style Your Dream Bed With Cushions

I’ll start with a confession. Do I make my bed every single day? Hell no. But, do I love when I spend those extra 2 minutes doing it? Hell yes! The routine of putting cushions on my bed in the morning, only to toss them off the bed at night, might seem odd to some, but walking into your bedroom and getting that ‘a stylist’s been in here’ kind of vibe makes the insanity all worth it;) And, if you ask me Euro cushions and lumbar cushions are reading-in-bed essentials!


If you can’t help yourself when it comes to cushions, you’re not alone! Cushions are an essential addition for a super stylish bed. But how many? Well, odd numbers are normally the easiest to work with as they tend to look more pleasing to the eye, as a general “rule” for styling, three is the magic number. Whatever you decide, do try to stick to an odd number and start with larger cushions at the back, working the smaller ones to the front. I love Euro cushions, they really go a long way in creating a magazine worthy bed (and they’re damn comfy for a bed lounging session). Euro cushions are a larger size compared to a standard cushion, and the industry secret in getting these looking perfectly undone, well it’s called the karate chop. I’m not talking about going all out Jackie Chan, but a soft chop to the centre of your Euro cushion is going to give it that fuller, cosier and next level luxurious look to it. 


When it comes to how to style your cushions, like everything when it comes to linen, taking a more relaxed approach and styling them in a way that feels right for your bed and your room is always my recommendation. Cushions are really helpful in pulling your interior style altogether and creating a cohesive look. Go for tones that compliment the colour of your sheets, best bit is, our entire colour palette of linen (and the addition of our new cushions) are designed to work together, so if you’re dressing your bed in head to toe The Cover Collective, you can’t go wrong ;)


For a total stylist dream bed, go with two European pillows at the back, four standard pillows, then add your cushions; going with two European cushions and one lumbar cushion at the front of the stack. A well dressed bed has got them all! Honestly, you’d be amazed at the transformative effect adding some cushions has to the whole look and feel of your bedroom.

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The Cover Collective sells bed linen made only from 100% pure French linen!

Not cotton. Not polyester. Not a linen blend. Just 100% pure French linen… and THAT, my friend, is knowledge that won’t only make your bed… it will change your sheets AND wash them too.